Winter Sports
Do you prefer snowboard over skiiing? If yes, list the three top reasons.?
2005-12-16 10:46:26 UTC
Do you prefer snowboard over skiiing? If yes, list the three top reasons.?
Two answers:
2005-12-16 14:34:04 UTC
1) Less pieces of equipment.
2) More comfortable boots (usually)
3) You are less likely to hurst your legs or feet if you fall
2005-12-16 10:48:59 UTC
I prefer skiing to snowboarding for the following reasons:
1) I like having free use of both my legs
2) I think hitting a kinked rail or rainbow box on skis looks badass
3) If someone you don't like is pissing you off you can smack them with your ski poles.
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.